Making the wrong hiring decision is a situation every employer tries to avoid. The reason being, it causes so many unnecessary costs and time for your company. However, bad hiring decisions inevitably happen all the time. Thus, avoiding a bad hire is quite difficult to do, unless you had the assistance of a Commercial Staffing Agency.
The truth is, hiring managers must take steps to filter out the potential hires from the bad hires. Not sure what steps to take before considering going through the hiring process? Let the Staffing Experts at GL Commercial Staffing help.
How a Commercial Staffing Agency Can Eliminate Bad Hires
When it comes to sorting out a bad hire from one that will benefit your business, here are a few tips to follow.
Standardize The Hiring Process
Develop a standard hiring process for your company. One that reflects the nature of your office and the level of productivity. A simple way to begin is by developing a hiring process that covers the Screening Interviews, First Interviews, Second Interviews, Peer Interviews, and Final Interviews
By doing so, the interviewer is provided with a well-developed checklist. An interview consisting of questions to ask the individual that help improve the hiring outcome.
A Standard Hiring Process also helps minimize hiring bias. A serious issue that many of the biggest corporations have trouble doing.
Analyze All Past Hiring Decisions
No matter what size your company, look back at all past hiring decisions. Analyze the reasons for each hiring decision. Let past hiring experiences be the guide for your company’s process moving forward.
This provides your company the opportunity to pinpoint hiring errors from the past. Therefore, giving you a more developed process on how to avoid additional bad hires.
Background Checks Are Crucial
It does not matter how big or small your company is. It does not matter what your business does. It is imperative that you perform background checks on every applicant. Besides ensuring the safety of your company, you easily eliminate candidates that would never fit with your business.
Always ensure you implement a background check system that is standardized. That way, you and your company adhere to all legal guidelines.
Utilize Multiple Interviewers
When multiple people sit in on the interview, many perspectives get introduced. Individuals with different backgrounds will be able to pick up on different qualities. While others may recognize factors you may have overlooked or missed.
A second approach is using a different person for the Second Interview. That way, everyone can compare their consensus regarding the potential new hire. Allowing you to grasp a clearer concept of the ones to approve and the ones to eliminate.
Yes, setting up multiple interviews may take a little more time. However, the time, energy, and productivity saved from avoiding a bad hire are absolutely worth it. A thorough hiring process can only benefit your company.
Pay Attention To Red Flags
From the second a red flag appears during the hiring process, consider eliminating it. If not, take time to consider the potential for an alternative position. Human sympathy is a hard emotion to deal with when trying to think logically. However, letting anyone back door their way into your company is risky.
A candidate that has any red flags means punishment for your top staff. How so? It is too often that companies have the best employees pick up the slack of bad hires. Causing internal and personal issues even with your best and most dedicated workers.
Take Advantage of The Benefits of A Staffing Agency
A Commercial Staffing Agency is able to take all the heavy lifting out of the hiring process. That way, clients can focus all office energy on productivity. when your company is tired of dealing with bad hires, contact the Staffing Professional at GL Staffing. Our Commercial Staffing Agency is capable of providing you with the best candidate possible.
Please do not hesitate to contact one of our Commercial Staffing Agents at (954) 973-8393.